2024 SMB3 Interoperability Lab

The SNIA SMB3 Interoperability Lab (formally known as the SMB3 Plugfest) will take place Sunday, September 15 through Thursday, September 19, 2024, (Sunday is a setup day only) in Santa Clara, CA during the SNIA Developer Conference (SDC).

How to Register
A Primary Representative from each company participating in the SMB3 Interoperability Lab is required to register their company for the Interoperability Lab by completing this form.

The fee to participate in the SMB3 Interoperability Lab is $695 for each Lab participant. This includes full access to the SNIA Developer Conference sessions and meals. This special discounted rate is limited to participants who will actively participate and test, working with the other SMB3 Interoperability Lab participants. If any of your Interoperability Lab Engineers already have an SDC Conference pass (speakers or sponsors) then there is no additional fee for them to participate, however, you still need to complete this registration form for your company.

Once this registration form has been completed you will be sent a registration code that allows your Interoperability Lab Engineers to register for SDC at the special discounted rate. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Arnold Jones (arnold@snia.org).

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information (no personal emails)

Question Title

* 2. The SMB3 IO LAB testing program and technical support are managed and provided by Microsoft. Support is provided on-site and via Teams (including a private website) or email communication (for example, support sessions with remote Microsoft engineers, testing resources, IO Lab sessions announcements and materials, IO Lab surveys and other SMB3 IO Lab activities).

Your company name and any testing-related registration responses are provided to Microsoft for IO Lab planning purposes. In addition, do you agree with SNIA sharing your name and email with the SMB3 IO Lab program underwriter (Microsoft), for SMB3 IO Lab only purposes?