2024 SDLL Abuse Awareness for Adults Training Confirmation Question Title * 1. Please provide your First and Last name. Question Title * 2. Please provide your email address. Question Title * 3. Did you completed the Safe Sport Training Yes No Question Title * 4. Please upload the Abuse Awareness for Adults Certificate of Completion from USA Baseball. PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload the Abuse Awareness for Adults Certificate of Completion from USA Baseball. Question Title * 5. Please upload a picture of your driver's license (front side only) to verify your identity. PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a picture of your driver's license (front side only) to verify your identity. Question Title * 6. Did you find the work flow documents or instructions explaining how to access the training informative? Yes No Question Title * 7. How long did the training take you to complete? Less than 15 minutes Between 15 and 30 minutes Between 30 minutes and an hour Greater than an hour Question Title * 8. Do you have any recommendations to make this process easier to navigate in the future? Done