Question Title

* 1. Do you reside within the Round Rock Independent School District?

Question Title

* 2. Rank the following topics in priority of importance to you with 1 being the most important and 7 ranking lower in importance.

Please use the comment boxes under each bucketed line item to input your questions pertaining to that topic that you would like to be considered for discussion at the forum event.

Question Title

* 3. Curriculum Strategy & Student Success

Question Title

* 4. Economic Development & Workforce Readiness

Question Title

* 5. Educator Employment & Retention Efforts

Question Title

* 6. Finances, Budget, & Debt Servicing

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* 7. Needs & Resources for Families and Community Partners

Question Title

* 8. Role & Outcomes of School Board

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* 9. Safety in Schools

Question Title

* 10. Additional topics or questions you would like to be considered?