Nomination Form

This form is to be completed by the owner or management member of a Manitoba Trucking Association member company in good standing.

The applicant below has been actively and directly engaged in the formulation, direction, or execution of policy in a managerial capacity as at the date of the application, and employed continually in the trucking industry for at least twenty-five years and is hereby nominated for membership in the MTA Pioneer's Club.

Nominations close August 31, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Name:

Question Title

* 2. Name of Company, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship:

Question Title

* 3. Business Address:

Question Title

* 4. Present Managerial Position:

Question Title

* 5. Date nominee first commenced employment in truck transportation:

Question Title

* 6. Name of first company:

Question Title

* 7. First employment capacity:

Question Title

* 8. Certification of Senior Operational Officer of company/partnership or by owner of an undertaking where applicant is employed.

I hereby certify that the applicant is actively and directly engaged in the formulation, direction, or execution of policy in a managerial capacity as at the date of the application and that the applicant has been continually employed in the trucking industry for at least twenty-five years.

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