Please use this web page to register for Mental Health First Aid courses offered to adults who live or work in McLean County, Illinois. Adults who do not live or work in McLean County are welcome to join our courses at our non-discounted cost. Participants must be 18 years old or older.

Mental Health First Aid courses are evidenced-based. They teach everyday individuals how to recognize when a person may be experiencing a mental health crisis, substance use issue, or other social-emotional problem and then how to intervene and support until appropriate help can be accessed.

The cost of most courses is $12 per person who lives or works in McLean County, Illinois. These courses are supported by the McLean County Board of Health (local tax dollars) and the McLean County MHFA Collaborative. For individuals outside of McLean County, the cost is our standard price of $30 per person.

In-person courses are generally eight hours of instruction plus breaks for self-care and a 30-minute lunch break. 8am to 5pm {Break time has been added to the instruction time.}

Blended courses have a 2-hour online portion that must be completed before the in-person classroom portion. The in-person portion is generally 7-hours which includes instruction and time for breaks and lunch.

Virtual courses have a 2-hour online portion that must be completed before the Zoom classroom portion. The Zoom portion is generally 7-hours which includes online instruction and time for frequent breaks and lunch.

All participants will receive course materials, including a manual, for this training. The manual for Blended and Virtual courses is available (online only) for 36 months.

You will be able to choose which course to register in the first question below.

Please Note:

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing provides oversight of the Mental Health First Aid program. The National Council now requires all who take a MHFA course to complete registration in their MHFA Connect portal. We will send you the link before the course. After registration, you will be directed to complete a pre-course Quiz (which asks about your opinions on mental health and substance use) and a pre-test to see what knowledge you have now about Mental Health First Aid. {Most people complete this online work in less than 15 minutes.}

To complete these steps, you must have an email address that you are willing to check a few times a week until this work is completed. You must also have access to the internet to reach the MHFA Connect portal. After completing the course you will be asked to complete a post-test and course evaluation before getting access to your course certificate.

If you live or work in McLean County and do not have an email address, or would have trouble getting access to the MHFA Connect portal, please contact Maureen at (309) 888‑5539 for possible accommodations.