Xiatech and OneStock, and supported by Mapp, Mercaux, Optimove, Pimberly, Sitoo and the MACH Alliance, have launched the second annual end-user survey to quantify the business value of composability and, specifically, Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native software-as-a-service and Headless (MACH) technologies.

The unique insights from this first-of-its-kind global survey will enable organisations from multiple industries - that have implemented MACH technologies - to assess, benchmark and further plan the success of their technology implementations. The published report will also provide market intelligence into the true business value of MACH, for those organisations who are either at the start of their journey or are yet to invest in MACH technologies.

The anonymised end-user survey results will be published in October 2024.

By completing this survey, you will receive a copy of the report and be invited to participate in local events and a global webinar to discuss the findings with members of the MACH Alliance.

The survey will take approx 10minutes to complete - thank you in advance for your time.

Question Title

* 1. Full name

Question Title

* 2. Job title

Question Title

* 3. Company name

Question Title

* 4. Email address

Question Title

* 5. Phone number

50% of survey complete.