Thank you for participating in the IUG 2024 conference. The IUG and Innovative work closely together on planning the conference. As separate organizations, we each take different responsibilities during the conference. Your feedback will help us to better serve you in the future.

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* 1. Reflecting on Day 1, please select the sessions that met your expectations and interests.

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* 2. If you attended any of the pre-conference sessions on Sunday, which session did you attend?

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* 3. If you attended a pre-conference session, how would you rate your satisfaction of the session?

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* 4. The Quick Hits Theater offered short presentations by Innovative staff during breaks between sessions. If you attended, were these presentations valuable to you?

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* 5. The Innovative exhibit area included our booth area for demos, as well as the Say It Forward shout out board, banned books display, and customer reference table. The Innovative exhibit booth was interesting and informative.

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* 6. The Hall of Solutions had Innovative staff from Customer Support, Services, Training, Product, and User Experience teams available for walk in conversations. Did you find it valuable?

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* 7. What topics would you like to see presented at next year's IUG?

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* 8. Overall, I felt I was able to connect with Innovative at IUG and get clear updates on what’s happening at the company, with the products, and with my account.

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* 9. How satisfied were you with the dessert reception?

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* 10. I am interested in learning more about the following products. Please select all that apply.

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* 11. Please provide any additional feedback.

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* 12. I would like to be contacted by someone from Innovative.

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* 13. Contact information, if you would like us to follow up with you.