You must fill out one of these forms for every hunt region you completed in order to be included in that region's random prize draw. Please provide your contact info first and then find your clue in the list and upload your answers/pictures. When you upload an image, please wait for the upload to complete (you'll see a green check with the file name at the upload location when this is done), or you may get an upload error!

You MUST hit "SAVE" at the end of the page to save your uploads. You can come back later and use your email to add to or change your answers to the clue packet you are working on, up to the upload deadline of October 24. This "return later" functionality USUALLY works; we have occasionally seen an issue, but it's rare! And it only allows you to add to ONE region's uploads at a time (i.e., you'll need to complete and submit one full region's uploads then start another).

Question Title

* 1. Your contact info

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* 2. For which region's clues are you uploading answers?

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* 3. Your mailing address as it will be in the first half of November. (We use this to send prizes!)

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* 4. If submitting answers here for prizes for yourself AND others from your team and if they share the mailing address you listed in #3 above for yourself, please list their names (first & last) here:

Question Title

* 5. If submitting answers here for prizes for yourself AND others from your team who have a different mailing address from you, please list their names (first & last) here, as well as their email, and full mailing address to enter them into the prize drawing:

We (@vtcheese) will reach out to "follow" you on Instagram when we are checking your answers if you have a private account. Please know that if we do not get access to your account, we will not be able to process your uploaded answers.

Question Title

* 6. Your Instagram user name:

CLUE ANSWER UPLOADS... Find the clues you've completed and upload your pictures/answers below. Don't forget to hit save to save your answers by hitting the "SAVE" button at the end of the page, so you are able to come back and add to them later.

Question Title

* 7. Clue 1. Get Cheesy Provide a link to your photo/post from your cheesemaker visit. You can get a link to your post picture by tapping/clicking on the three dots to the top right of your IG post, selecting "copy link," and then pasting that here:

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* 8. Clue 2: A Paired Experience Share where you went and upload your picture.

Where you went:

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* 9. Link to your image/post:

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* 10. Clue 3: IN THREES! Enter the links to your three winning pics for this clue in the boxes at #11, #12, and #13. (Ignore this box here at #10. Even Survey Monkey has its limitations. LOL!)

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* 11. Link to your 1st image/post:

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* 12. Link to your 2nd image/post:

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* 13. Link to your 3rd image/post:

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* 14. Clue 4: A Closer Look Share a link to your post/picture of you and what you got a closer (or bigger) look at:

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* 15. Clue 5. Find it

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* 16. Clue 6: Get Arty Provide a link to your pic/post of your art experience here:

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* 17. Clue 7. Leg Stretch & Learning Provide a link to your pic/post of your art experience here:

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* 18. Clue 8. Picnic Time

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* 19. Clue 9. Take In the View Provide a link to your picture of/post from your outing here:

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* 20. Clue 10. See Something Unique Provide a link to your "unique" pic/post here: