Each year, Downtown Portland Clean & Safe and the Portland Metro Chamber invite businesses and organizations to participate in a survey of business vitality in the Downtown core.
By answering the questions below, you will help all of us better understand the health of your business and conditions in the enhanced service district.
In 2021 the City of Portland voted to renew the district and contract with Downtown Portland Clean & Safe. Part of that agreement included a ‘maintenance services agreement’ with the City of Portland that defined basic services to be provided by city bureaus, as well as clearly defined enhanced services to be provided by Downtown Portland Clean & Safe. As a result, we will be asking you to evaluate both the basic services provided by the city to the district and the enhanced services provided by Downtown Portland Clean & Safe.
Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous. The information you provide will be combined with responses from other participants to generate aggregated insights, ensuring your individual responses cannot be traced back to you.
Please complete by January 31, 2025.
Questions? Email: sydney@downtownportland.org