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This survey is designed to help us understand your experience of the ICDA courses to ensure participants continue to receive a high standard of training and to help us assess the overall success of the program.

Note that all responses are confidential. Your answers will not be identified with your name or organisation, nor shared except in de-identified aggregate form.

The survey should take no longer than around 5 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. What date did you commence the Advanced Leadership for Community Chairs course?

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* 3. What is your postcode?

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* 6. What is your organisation’s approximate annual revenue?

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* 7. Overall, how satisfied were you with this session?

Question Title

* 8. How likely would you be to recommend an ICDA session to a colleague or friend? (Where 0 means not at all likely and 10 means extremely likely.)

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 9. Are there any other topics you think we should cover in future sessions?

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* 10. How was the pace of the session?

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* 11. How was the format/presentation style?

Question Title

* 12. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly disagree Disagree I neither agree not disagree Agree Strongly agree
I understand more about the skills involved in successfully putting into practice, what I have been learning about.
I feel more able to do the things I have been learning about in this topic
I am more likely to nominate myself for a board position / chair role
I would like to learn more about this topic
I would like to do another ICDA course
I am more confident working with the topic I have been learning about
I learnt new ideas during this session
After attending the session, I know more information about the topic at hand
I communicated with others during this session
I was able to learn from others during this session

Question Title

* 13. Prior to attending this session, to what extent: 

  Not at all Not much A bit A lot N/A
...did you make decisions which take diversity into account?
... did you make decisions which have an identified ethical basis into account?

Question Title

* 14. After attending this session, to what extent:

  Not at all Not much A bit A lot N/A you plan to make decisions which take diversity into account?
... do you plan to make decisions which have an identified ethical basis into account?

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* 15. Please share the top 1-3 most important things you learnt in this session

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* 16. Please could you share what was the most useful thing about this session?

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* 17. Please could you share what was the least useful thing about this session?

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* 18. What would be helpful to include in this session next time?

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* 19. Any other feedback?

0 of 19 answered