2024 Overlooked 19th Century Base Ball Legend Election

The SABR Nineteenth Century Overlooked Legend Preliminary Ballot was split into four tracks:
  1. Players from the Major Leagues (1876–1900)
  2. Pioneers/Contributors
  3. Managers/Executives/Umpires
  4. Black Baseball

This final ballot is made up of the top three candidates from each track (for a total of 12 candidates). You will vote for five (ranked) candidates from the ballot, regardless of the track.

Please select the top candidates for the 2024 Overlooked 19th Century Base Ball Legend. You *MUST* select five candidates—ranking them from first choice to fifth choice—from among the fifteen candidates presented.

For profiles of each of this year's twelve candidates, visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cDuatRC1HnXQTta5kj48Vdnp3lO0xP_2XkXC1VBTaZg/edit?usp=sharing

ALL BALLOTS MUST BE CAST PRIOR TO 11:59 p.m. PDT on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Select only your top five candidates from the list below for the 2024 Overlooked 19th Century Base Ball Legend Award.

  1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice 4th choice 5th choice
Tommy Bond
Octavius Catto
Paul Hines
Grant “Home Run” Johnson
Jim Mutrie
Dickey Pearce
Lip Pike
Al Reach
Ben Shibe
George Stovey
George Van Haltren
Chris Von der Ahe