2024 Fire & Emergency Response Knowledge-Check—Senior Services |
You Matter Here
Because this is designed to cover DD licensed locations & Senior Services' CHAP requirements, not all slides apply to each job position, but we cover them with everyone so we all have the same shared message.
- This is a required initial & annual training for all staff, and you can find this in your Frontier Procedure Manual.
- If you have not already done so, please review the self-study here: https://www.frontiercommunity.com/fire-er
- After you answer all 20 questions on this survey and hit "Done," the program will tell you how many you missed and give you guidance on what the answers are. If you miss more than 4, you will need to review the self-study material and re-take your survey knowledge-check. You do not need to print nor send anything. SurveyMonkey stores all the results for us.
- All Direct Support Positions: This should not be completed while you are working with people you support, and you can claim up to 60 minutes for this training on your Deputy just like you do the other required trainings.
- Please email Amy Jo if you have any questions or concerns anewlun@frontiercommunity.com