Call for Comment: Feedback Concerning CPME Publications 720 and 730

The Council on Podiatric Medical Education is seeking your input concerning the revisions made to the Continuing Education Committee's (CEC) documents CPME 720 and 730. Please review the proposed revisions on the CPME website ( and provide your feedback within this survey.

Note that this survey is being used to collect the comments submitted during the open call for comment period.

Per CPME 730, Procedures for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, the evaluation/recognition procedures described in this publication as well as the standards described in CPME publication 720, Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, serve as the primary documents used by CEC for the review and recognition of providers of continuing education. The revised standards and requirements were developed by an ad hoc advisory committee and approved by the CPME for dissemination to the community of interest. Prior to adoption, the publications are disseminated widely in order to obtain information regarding how these will affect the community of interest.

Draft I revisions of CPME publications 720 and 730 will be open for comment until August 20, 2024. Following a review of the comments from the community of interest, the proposed revisions to CPME publications 720 and 730 will be considered for final adoption by the Council during its October 2024 meeting.

Comments may be submitted through this survey or separately through email sent to the CPME Associate Director, Sandra Saylor, at
1.What is your primary role for the purposes of completing this survey?(Required.)
2.Are you in agreement with the revisions made to the introduction and the general flow of CPME 720?

Substantive changes include:
· Added Intent & Background (I & B) statements to further clarify requirements.

· Changed the term needs assessment to gap analysis.

· Standards were made consistent for activities whether live (or not) or in-person (or not).

· The removal of a separate standard for instructional media.

· Reduced the number of standards from 9 to 6.

3.Within Standard 1, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 720?
4.Within Standard 2, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 720?

Substantive changes include:
Combining standards 2 and 4 - New standard 2. The provider bases its overall program of continuing education and individual activities upon assessment of the identified gaps in knowledge, skill, or practice. The provider shall assess all continuing education activities and its overall continuing education program.
5.Within Standard 3, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 720?
6.Within Standard 4, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 720?
7.Within Standard 5, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 720?
8.Within Standard 6, are you in agreement with the revisions made to CPME 720?
9.Overall, how satisfied are you with the revisions made to CPME 720?
10.Concerning CPME 730, numerous revisions were made as they relate to the following. Please rate your level of agreement with these revisions.

· Clarified communication between the CPME and the provider.

· All New - Opportunity for individuals or organizations to submit third party/public comment on provider petitions.

· All New - Provisional Approval category for the first three years of a new provider application before the first petition is due. No joint providership is allowed during this period.

· The CEC and the Council reserve the right to conduct an on-site evaluation of any continuing education activity or to schedule a reverse site or virtual visit with the provider bearing full responsibility for expenses incurred.

· Added approval with report as a category of approval. It was always an "unwritten" category of approval.
11.Within CPME 730, please rate your level of agreement with the following revision.

· New procedure was created giving opportunity for individuals or organizations to submit third party/public comment on provider petitions.
12.Within CPME 730, please rate your level of agreement with the following revision.

· Added CEC and the Council reserve the right to conduct an on-site evaluation of any educational activity or to schedule a reverse site or virtual visit with the provider bearing full responsibility for expenses incurred.
13.Overall, how satisfied are you with the revisions made to CPME 730?
14.Please provide any other comments concerning the revisions made to CPME 720 or 730.
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered