
Express your interest in receiving one-on-one business coaching as part of the Tourism Industry Council SA (TiCSA)'s Business Capabilities Program.

Do you have a specific businsess challenge or opportunity that you need some expert advice on? South Australian tourism operators can access up to 2-hours expert advice through our One-on-One Business Coaching program.

Eligible businesses and organisations can access two hours of personalised business coaching at a subsidised price of $88 (valued at up to $400). TiCSA members receive a further 50% discount.

Coaching sessions are generally delivered online via video call but may be in person depending on business/coach location.

To participate, interested businesses must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through this online form, detailing your specific business coaching requirements. The TiCSA team will assess your EOI and match you to the most appropriate coach based on their expertise, suitability to address to your coaching needs, and availability.

Should you wish to seek additional support from your coach beyond your allocated two-hours, you are welcome to discuss a fee-for-service arrangement directly with your coach.

Expressions of interest are open until 30 June 2025 or until exhausted. Limited spaces are available.
Please tell us a bit about your business...

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* 1. Please enter your contact details.

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* 2. What type of tourism business do you operate?

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* 3. How long have you been operating?

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* 4. Please tick which statement best applies to you.
Working ON your business = long-term planning, strategic development
Working IN your business = day-to-day operations, short-term

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* 5. How many staff do you employ?
If you do not employ any staff in that category, please enter 0.

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* 6. Do you have a current business plan?
(If yes, you may be asked to provide a copy to your coach.)

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* 7. Do you have a current marketing plan?
(If yes, you may be asked to provide a copy to your coach.)

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* 8. Do you have consistent opening times, operating schedules or reception hours?

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* 9. What is your maximum capacity?
(Please enter in the row that applies to your business. If other, please specify.)

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* 10. Briefly describe your business. What is your 'unique selling proposition' (USP)?

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* 11. Who are your top 2-4 target markets/visitors? (eg young families, older couples travelling interstate, etc)

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* 12. Which of the following are you a member of?