2023 Landlord Workshop Survey

1.Have you attended previous housing training sponsored by the Cayuga Community Health Network, ARISE, Homsite, or the Auburn Housing Authority?
2.Overall, how would you rate today’s workshop?
3.Would you recommend this workshop to other landlords?
4.What topics were of most interest to you? (please check all that apply)
5.The presenters were knowledge, organized, and effective in their presentations.
Select 1 Rating
Lead Presentation
Fair Housing
Fire Safety
6.Do you think this class will affect the future health and safety of your rental properties? 
7.What other topics would you like to see covered at future landlord workshops? (please check all that apply)
8.Do you plan on using any of the tips you learned in this workshop?
9.If yes, what tips do you plan on using (please check all that apply)?
10.How did you hear about the workshop (please check all that apply)?
11.Please leave any other comments in the box below.