1. Introduction

The objectives of this survey are to establish:
  • Document the online banking transaction capabilities of the Bank's Mortgage Servicing Portal (e.g. mortgage inquiry, sign up for mortgage payments via ACH). 
  • Confirm the information system(s) supporting those capabilities, including systems provided by Technology Service Providers (TSPs) to the Bank, (e.g., BlackKnight).
  • Collect information about controls related to the Mortgage Servicing Portal, including questions about a) customer access, b) customer service, c) employee access to systems supporting the website, d) transaction monitoring, e) incident response and business recovery.
Questions in this survey are based on a combination of guidance from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), an interagency guidance from the FRB, FDIC, and OCC, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). 

PLEASE USE THE COMMENTS FIELD in each question, to specify other information (e.g., the name of a policy or procedure document relevant to your answer, the name and date of a report presented to a steering committee or MIS report that is reviewed as part of a control).

PLEASE SEND US any relevant policies or procedures that ARE NOT AVAILABLE on BridgeNet (e.g., department-level desktop procedures), and reports, or other documents that you refer to in your responses.

Thank you.

Ranya and John

ranya.sabbagh@eastwestbank.com john.seddon@eastwestbank.com

2% of survey complete.