Your input is appreciated!

Thank you for taking the time to complete the evaluation for our 2023 Project Management Symposium.  Completion of this survey will enter your name in a drawing to win FREE registration to attend the 2024 Project Management Symposium. If you win, you will be notified by e-mail.  

Question Title

* 1. Why did you attend the symposium? What were your objectives?
Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. If you were an online attendee, did you have any trouble participating using Zoom?

Question Title

* 3. This year we have three attendance options:  in-person, online and hybrid.  Please tell us how you think you would participate in next year's event.

Question Title

* 4. This question has a scale of "Best to Worst"

  Best.Conference.Ever Heck Yeah! Good, Not Great  Almost  Big Miss
The conference met my objectives

Question Title

* 5. Best to Worst, continued...

  Spectacular Work! Yeah, Nice Work! Sure, Kinda Good Effort! Big nope
Event Logistics
The speakers were well prepared and knowledgeable about their topics

Question Title

* 6. On these Middle is Best!

  Way Too Long! A Little Long Perfect A Little Short Too Short
The total symposium length was…
The time provided for presentations was...

Question Title

* 7. Last Middle is Best question.

  Too Much! Too Much! A Little Too Much Perfect A Little Absent Almost Nada
The amount of information provided about the PM Symposium prior to the event was...

Question Title

* 8. Did you participate in the online Trivia Challenge?

Question Title

* 9. Do you think parking should be included in the registration fee for in-person attendees? (You would have no extra parking fee)

Question Title

* 10. Will you recommend the 2024 UMD Project Management Symposium to your colleagues?

Question Title

* 11. Please provide us any other feedback .

Question Title

* 12. Quote Please! 
We would like to get a quote from you to market the 2024 Project Management Symposium. If you are willing to provide us with a quote that explains why others should attend or the benefits you received, please write it below, along with your name and organization in the last question.

Question Title

* 13. Please provide your name and email.
This is crucial to win free symposium registration to next year's event! Thank you for your input!