2023 Competitive Season Follow-Up

1.Gymnast(s) full name(s):
3.What do you wish you knew ahead of time?
4.What surprised you?
5.What did your gymnast like best?
6.What could we have done better and/or what should we be sure to remember in the future?
7.What was the best part of the experience?
8.What ideas you have to make it even better in the future:
9.What should we be sure to make sure that all coaches are aware?
10.What advice or information do you think would be helpful for someone new to competitive gymnastics to know in advance?
11.How is your gymnast doing in general? (Share as much or as little as you would like, in regards to any aspect)
12.What competitions did you like best?
13.What competitions would you skip?
Please share your feedback on the following competitions:
(If you did not attend, skip or N/A)
14.Handstand Hop and Rockin' Socks (Practice Meet) at Spokane Gymnastics Pines, December 4th
15.Washington Open, Alaska Airlines Arena, January 6th-8th (Men's Only)
16.Battle in Bellevue at the Meydenbauer Center , January 13th - 15th
17.Great Destinations, Disney in Anaheim, January 20th- 22nd
18.USA Invitational in Queen Creek, AZ- January 27-29 (Men's only) 
19.Wine Country Classic in Kennewick-January 27-29
20.Top Gun Team Challenge at the Wingspan Event and Conference Center,
February 10th-13th
21.Charity Choice at Tacoma Convention Center, February 17th-18th
22.Great West Gym Fest at the Coeur d'Alene Resort, February 23rd - 26th
23.Tri-State Challenge, Missoula MT, February 25th-26th (Men's Only)
24.Royal Festival at the Spokane Convention Center, March 4th - 5th
25.Skookum Showdown at the Little Creek Event Center, March 11th - 12th
(USAGDP Level 6 and 7 only)
26.Snowglobe Classic in Post Falls, March 12th (USAGDP Levels 2-5)
27.2023 WA State Championships in Everett, WA, March 11th-12th (Men's Only)
28.2023 Men's Regionals, in Wasilla, AK, March 30th-April 2nd (Men's Only)
29.2023 Western National Championships in Galveston, TX, April 28th-30th (Men's Only)
30.2023 USAGWA Developmental State Championships at the Tacoma Convention Center, March 24th-26th
31.2023 USAG Region 2 Championships at the Tacoma Convention Center, April 16th (USAGDP Level 7 Only)
32.2023 Xcel State Championships at the Hapo Center, March 31st-April 2nd
33.2023 Xcel Regional Championships in Everett, April 21st-23rd
34.What are your gymnast's goals and priorities for the future:
35.Additional feedback:
36.Your name:
Thank you!

509-290-5270 Pines (Team Facility)