People with Disabilities and Family Members: Please tell us about the BPDD activities you participated in this year. Your answers help us understand our impact on your lives.

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* 1. During the past year which of the following WI-BPDD activities have you participated in?  (Check all that apply)

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* 2. Were you satisfied with the WI-BPDD activity?

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* 3. Is your life better as a result of participating in it?

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* 4. Please share a story about how participating in WI-BPDD activities has made your life better.

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* 5. Are our materials easy to read and understand? 

As a result of participating in a WI-BPDD activity...

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* 6. I have (check all that apply):

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* 7. I am better able to (check all that apply):

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* 8. I have increased my advocacy.

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* 9. I am better able to say what I want.

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* 10. I am now participating in advocacy activities.

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* 11. I am now on an advisory board, committee, or serving in a leadership position (such as People First, a parent/teacher organization, a community board, etc.)

We ask the following questions to see if we are reaching every community and culture in Wisconsin. We do not collect names, so no one knows how you answered these questions. 

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* 12. Please tell us whether you are:

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* 13. Please tell us whether you are:

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* 14. Are you...

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* 15. Are you transgender?

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* 16. What is your sexual orientation?

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* 17. Which of the following best describes the area that you live in?