In consideration of being granted a position as an entrant and/or permission to participate in the Durham Holiday Parade, (the "Parade"), (“Participant”) attest they have the authority to act on behalf of each group participant, which may include minor children. The undersigned agree and state as follows:
I understand that the individuals associated with this registration are participating in the Durham Holiday Parade for their own benefit. The members of the group associated with this registration have voluntarily elected to participate in the parade and desire to do so at their own risk.
Further, I understand there are certain risks inherent in parade participation such as risks, hazards, and conditions that may be dangerous to life, limb, and property and that can arise in an incalculable variety of unforeseeable or foreseeable ways by the presence and use of horses and other animals, motor vehicles, machinery, floats, acrobats, projectiles, baton twirling, wind, rain, hail, and other forces of the elements, and other threats to life and limb, such as the possibility of slipping and falling and complications associated with weather conditions and physical exertion (such as heat stroke, fainting, collapse, exhaustion, or other more serious complications). I understand that the risks inherent in parade participation are beyond the control of the Participant or the City of Durham and that that no amount of care, caution, instruction, or expertise can eliminate them. I assume responsibility for all risks involved in the aforementioned activities, which may include, but are not limited to, personal injuries, property damage and even death.
Immediately prior to any participation, I have the opportunity to inspect the facility or equipment and notify the instructor of any objection to the facility, equipment instructors or supervision and have the choice whether to have my child participate in said program or activity.
If any person associated with this registration will be handling any animal, float, motorized vehicle, apparatus, device, or other thing in the Parade, I certify that they possess sufficient experience in doing so that the life, limb, or property of self and others will not be exposed to unreasonable risk of harm. If such person is the driver of a motorized vehicle or float, such person promises that they have a valid driver’s license and has sufficient insurance on the vehicle or float that shall be in place during the Parade. Further, I certify that any equipment, motorized vehicle, apparatus, or device handled by a Participant associated with this registration is in good working order.
In consideration of participating in the Parade, I hereby release and agree to hold harmless the City of Durham, its agents, employees, officers, and contractors from and against all liabilities, claims, demands, judgments, cost, or fees, including liabilities, claims, demands, judgments, costs arising in any manner from and all participation in the program named below. I further agree to accept and assume for the group participants, the assigns of the group participants, executors of the group participants, and the group participants' heirs any and all such risks and losses that may occur.