Your help is needed to nominate the first time award to the "New Business of the Year" in Washington County. In order to qualify, this business must have been opened in 2023. 

Complete the questions below to nominate a business. Please consider nominating your own business. Nobody knows your business better than you!

The DEADLINE for nominations is Thursday, January 11, 2024. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Name of new business being nominated:

Question Title

* 2. Address/location of business:

Question Title

* 3. Owner/manager name(s):

Question Title

* 4. Employee size:
(Enter the total of full-time positions. Two part-time equal one full-time equivalent.)

Question Title

* 5. This business is locally-owned/operated.

Question Title

* 6. What makes this business deserving of recognition?

Question Title

* 7. Describe the business' involvement in and contributions to the community:
(owners/managers/employees activities, donations/sponsorships, etc.):

Question Title

* 8. What organizations does the business contribute to?

Question Title

* 9. Does the business have an impact beyond the community, at the state and/or national level?

Question Title

* 10. Have leaders of the business won any awards or special recognition?  If yes, please list.

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* 11. Do the business’ leaders have professional certification(s)?

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* 12. What obstacles or hurdles has this business overcome?

Question Title

* 13. Any other comments about this business:

Question Title

* 14. Your name & organization: