FPA New England Mentor Match: Mentee Application 2023

1.First Name
2.Last Name
5.Home zip code
6.Company Zip Code
7.Type of firm I work for is best described as 
8.FPA Member Since
9.FPA Membership Type
10.I currently hold the following designations and securities licenses
11.I am currently in good standing with all entities monitoring the designation indicated above
12.How involved are you in the financial planning process at your current firm?
13.How many years of experience do you have practicing the elements
of financial planning?
14.Are you a career changer and if so from which field?
15.Do you currently work as part of a team or independently?
16.In what areas do you consider to be your strengths
17.In which areas would you be looking to develop greater competency?
18.What would you hope to accomplish by being mentored through the MentorMatch Program? (career path development, educational needs, business development, practice managment, etc.)
19.Have you participated in the mentorship program in the past? if yes, what made it successful or unsuccessful?
20.Please share if you have any limitations regarding your ability to
participate in the program. i.e. time constraints, language or accessibility barriers.
21.What else would you like the FPA of NE know that would help them choose you for participation?
22.I understand that clicking this box constitutes as a legal signature 
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered