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The City of Madeira is embarking on a public engagement process to gather community input for the update of the citywide Comprehensive Plan. The current plan, adopted in 2019, has resulted in the award of over $9 million in grant funding assistance to the City to enhance the streetscape of Downtown Madeira, reconstruct McDonald Commons, and link these civic spaces with a new promenade. The City is now updating the Plan to secure additional outside funding for the next wave of investment in Madeira. Please help shape the future of Madeira by participating in this survey.
Please return surveys by email to or by mail to Lori Thompson, 7141 Miami Ave, Madeira, OH 45243.

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* 1. How long have you lived in the City of Madeira?

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your household?

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* 4. Which best describes your place of residence?

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* 5. Which of the following would make you more likely to visit Downtown Madeira? (Check any that Apply)

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* 6. What type of community facilities would be desirable in a Downtown Madeira civic space? (Check any that Apply)

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* 7. Do you find parking to be an issue in any of the following areas of Downtown Madeira? (Check any that Apply)

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* 8. The City is implementing traffic calming along Miami Ave in Downtown Madeira. As future efforts shift to the adjacent commercial corridors what type of enhancements would you desire along Camargo Rd east of Miami Ave? (Check any that Apply)

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* 9. The City has secured grant funding to enhance walkability within and around Downtown Madeira. As future connectivity efforts extend beyond Downtown, what type of citywide enhancements would make you more likely to walk or bike in Madeira? (Check any that Apply)

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* 10. Metro transit authority is considering the provision of enhanced Bus Rapid Transit with expedited service with consolidated stops and increased frequency along Montgomery Rd between the Kenwood Area and Downtown Cincinnati. Would you potentially use this transit service?

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* 11. What types of active recreational amenities do you use in the western portion of Sellman Park adjacent to the Middle School fields? (Check any that Apply)

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* 12. What types of passive recreational amenities would you desire in the natural, wooded eastern 5-acre portion of Sellman Park? (Check any that Apply)

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* 13. Would you be interested in participating in any of the following environmental stewardship events? (Check any that Apply)

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* 14. Would you be interested in any of the following opportunities to voluntarily enhance the environmental stewardship of your property? (Check any that Apply)

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* 15. Would you be interested in any of the following opportunities to support the reuse of household materials? (Check any that Apply)

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* 16. What is your preferred method(s) of communications to learn about community news, events, and programming? (Check any that Apply)

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* 17. Please express any additional thoughts you have about the future of Madeira below:

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* 18. If desired, please fill in your contact information below. This information would only be used to clarify or expand on thoughts expressed in Question 17 (Optional).

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