Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services is seeking BHCIP grant funding for the construction of a new Adult Crisis Services Building that would include a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) and Crisis Walk In Clinic (CWIC) to replace the smaller PEC CSU and CWIC located at the Mary K Shell Building and expand capacity to serve more individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Please provide responses to the following survey questions to assist Kern BHRS best meet the needs of local stakeholders.

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* 1. With which of the following groups do you most closely identify?

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* 2. Have you had previous personal or professional experience interacting with Kern County Behavioral Health Services?

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* 3. If you answered "Yes" to Question 2, please tell us about your experience.

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* 4. Do you believe there is a serious need for the expansion of Adult Crisis Services, including crisis stabilization and walk in services, at this time in Kern County?

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* 5. Are you in support of Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services constructing and operating a new Adult Crisis Services Building in Kern County?

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* 6. What comments, feedback or suggestions would you provide for the design, construction or operations of a new Adult Crisis Services Building?