2023 National CERT Conference email signup

2023 National CERT Conference Email List Sign-up

The 2023 National CERT Conference will be held in California.  If you would like to receive email updates regarding this event, please complete this quick survey.  Thanks
1.Your Name
2.Email Address
3.Name of the CERT Program you are most closely affiliated with
4.Name of your Agency or Organization (i.e emergency management, first responder agency, private sector company, NGO, or CERT program)
5.What State or Territory are you in?  Please use the "other" field if you are not from the US.  If you represent a tribe, please select the state or territory that your tribe is in and note your Tribal affiliation in the Tribal Affiliation question.
6.Do you represent a Tribal Nation, either as a member or an employee?
7.If yes, what Tribal Nation(s) do you represent?
8.What FEMA Region are you in?
9.Have you attended a CERT Conference in the past?  If so which one?  Select all that apply
10.What presentation or training would you like to see included in the 2023 National CERT Conference?
11.What networking activities would you like to see included in the 2023 National CERT Conference?