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Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your current role within your organization?

Question Title

* 2. Are you, or is your organization, a member of techfrederick?

*See the benefits to becoming a Member HERE*

Question Title

* 3. Prior to this survey, were you aware that techfrederick's ASPIRE Training program drastically offsets the cost of needed training by utilizing state grant funds?

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* 4. Have you joined the techfrederick Discord channel, where our local tech community posts jobs, meetups, shared resources and more?

Question Title

* 5. Post-Covid we have seen such a variety in preferences for learning delivery format! Help us pick the best way to offer training.....If you were to attend a techfrederick Aspire training class on a topic of interest to you, please check ALL that apply regarding class format.

Let's start the training topic survey questions! If any topic doesn't interest you, simply select no to skip it and advance to the next question. 

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any interest in Amazon Web Service (AWS) training content?

0 of 30 answered