I now have a strong understanding of parliamentary processes
I now have a strong understanding of parliamentary processes Strongly Disagree
I now have a strong understanding of parliamentary processes Disagree
I now have a strong understanding of parliamentary processes Somewhat
I now have a strong understanding of parliamentary processes Agree
I now have a strong understanding of parliamentary processes Strongly Agree
My communication skills have improved
My communication skills have improved Strongly Disagree
My communication skills have improved Disagree
My communication skills have improved Somewhat
My communication skills have improved Agree
My communication skills have improved Strongly Agree
I now feel like I can contribute more to Australian science
I now feel like I can contribute more to Australian science Strongly Disagree
I now feel like I can contribute more to Australian science Disagree
I now feel like I can contribute more to Australian science Somewhat
I now feel like I can contribute more to Australian science Agree
I now feel like I can contribute more to Australian science Strongly Agree
I have gained skills to help my career
I have gained skills to help my career Strongly Disagree
I have gained skills to help my career Disagree
I have gained skills to help my career Somewhat
I have gained skills to help my career Agree
I have gained skills to help my career Strongly Agree
I have a positive outlook for a career in science
I have a positive outlook for a career in science Strongly Disagree
I have a positive outlook for a career in science Disagree
I have a positive outlook for a career in science Somewhat
I have a positive outlook for a career in science Agree
I have a positive outlook for a career in science Strongly Agree
I am more likely to reach out to a Parliamentarian in future
I am more likely to reach out to a Parliamentarian in future Strongly Disagree
I am more likely to reach out to a Parliamentarian in future Disagree
I am more likely to reach out to a Parliamentarian in future Somewhat
I am more likely to reach out to a Parliamentarian in future Agree
I am more likely to reach out to a Parliamentarian in future Strongly Agree