Annual Section Meeting Report Form Question Title * 1. Section (1) Allegheny Mountain (2) Florida (3) Illinois (4) Indiana (5) Iowa (6) Kansas (7) Kentucky (8) Louisiana/Mississippi (9) Maryland/DC/Virginia (10) Metro New York (11) Michigan (12) North Central (13) Missouri (14) Nebraska/SE South Dakota (15) New Jersey (16) Northeastern (17) Golden (18) Ohio (19) Oklahoma/Arkansas (20) Pacific Northwest (21) EPaDel (22) Rocky Mountain (23) Southeastern (24) SoCal/Nevada (25) Southwestern (26) Texas (27) Seaway (28) Wisconsin (29) Intermountain Question Title * 2. Submitted by: Name: Email: Question Title * 3. Meeting Date Date meeting was held: Date Question Title * 4. Meeting Location Question Title * 5. Please upload a copy of your Meeting Program. PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a copy of your Meeting Program. Question Title * 6. Attendance Total Attendees: Faculty: College Student (Grad/Undergrad): K-12 Students: Other Attendees (including business/industry/retired): Question Title * 7. Attendee Membership Demographics MAA Members: Non-Members: Question Title * 8. Attendee Gender Demographics (optional, please provide if collected). The MAA asks about gender to inform our efforts to broaden participation. Male: Female: Prefer not to Specify: Prefer not to Share: Question Title * 9. Do you use electronic registration? Yes No If yes, which registration system do you use? Question Title * 10. How many participants registered on-site? Question Title * 11. Do you provide incentives for early registration? Describe. Question Title * 12. Do you have trouble attracting attendees in certain categories, such as students, research university faculty, or otherwise? How have you tried to solve this problem? Question Title * 13. Routine Activities - Please indicate if you had the following activities at your meeting. Yes No Student Activity Student Activity Yes Student Activity No Section NExT or other program for early faculty Section NExT or other program for early faculty Yes Section NExT or other program for early faculty No Workshop/Mini-course Workshop/Mini-course Yes Workshop/Mini-course No If "yes" to any, please describe here. Question Title * 14. Number of Presenters Total Presenters: Faculty Presenters: Student Presenters: Question Title * 15. Did you have a Polya, NAM or AWM speaker? Polya MAA NAM MAA AWM None of the above Who was the speaker, and would you recommend this speaker to another section? Question Title * 16. List names, presentation titles, contact email, and honoraria for principal speakers. Question Title * 17. Did you host an MAA section visitor? Yes No If so, please comment on how helpful you found this program. Question Title * 18. Teaching Award Winner Name School Email Question Title * 19. Describe any other recognitions, prizes, awards, etc. presented to non-students. Question Title * 20. Do you have future meeting dates planned? If so, please provide dates and locations. Question Title * 21. Do you have any other comments you would like to share about your meeting? Question Title * 22. Do you have any photos from your meeting that you would like to share? PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Do you have any photos from your meeting that you would like to share? Done