South Brisbane experiences of the 2022 floods
We'd like your feedback about how you dealt with the 2022 floods. This will help guide our support for the community, and will also help shape our advocacy around funding, resilience and preparedness.
What is your postcode?
What best describes your household?
Owner occupier in a free standing house
Renter in a free standing house
Owner occupier in an apartment or townhouse
Renter in an apartment or townhouse
Other (please specify)
How did the 2022 floods impact your household?
Select as many as apply to you
Lost power
Minor flooding to your home
Major flooding to your home
Lack of access to public transport
Lost income or shifts at work
Couldn't access work/school/uni
Lost posessions (car, furniture, goods)
Temporarily displaced
Other (please specify)
Did your household access any support during or after the floods?
Select as many as apply to you
Support from West End Community House
Free hot meals from Hope on Boundary
Orange Sky laundry van
Free BBQ hosted by the Greens at Montague Markets and Bunyapa Park
Phone and device charging at MPs office, a local cafe or other organisation while your power was out
Volunteer help with cleaning your flood affected home
Got information online from community groups
Financial support
We didn’t access any support
Other (please specify)
Have you applied for any financial assistance through the
Queensland Government
Yes, and my application was approved
Yes, and my application was rejected
If no, is there a reason why you didn't apply?
Have you applied for any financial assistance through
Services Australia/Centrelink (Federal Government)
Yes, and my application was approved
Yes, and my application was rejected
If no, was there a reason why you didn’t apply?
Did you feel like the financial assistance was adequate?
Any other feedback about your experience with financial support?
If you needed to
clean up
your home from the floods, who helped you with this?
Local Greens volunteers
Mud army
Other volunteers
No one
Other (please specify)
What were the most useful
sources of information
during the 2022 floods?
TV or radio news
The Premier’s Facebook page
Lord Mayor’s Facebook page
Local Councillor, Jonathan Sri, Facebook page
Local Councillor, Jonathan Sri, email updates
State MP, Amy MacMahon, Facebook page
State MP, Amy MacMahon, email updates
Federal MP, Terri Butler, Facebook page
Federal MP, Terri Butler, email updates
West End Community Association (WECA) Facebook page or email updates
Kurilpa Futures Facebook page or market stall at Montague Markets
Local resident Facebook groups
Other (please specify)
What other information would have been useful during the 2022 floods? Is there a better way for us to disseminate information?
If you live in an apartment complex with a body corporate and/or building manager:
What was your experience in an apartment?
Eg - How did the body corporate/building manager handle the floods? What would you like to see them do differently next time? What advice would you give others?
If you are a renter and your rental was flooded:
What was your experience?
Eg - what was it like communicating with your landlord and real estate agent? What were the challenges? What advice would you give others?
What other support would have been useful during the 2022 floods?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered