2022 Local Income Tax Increase General Survey

Thank you for your willingness to participate in the 2022 Local Income Tax Increase General Survey. This survey will take roughly 3 minutes to complete. We value your time and will use your feedback to gain a better understanding of the public's reaction to these proposed changes.  

We will be asking 4 questions related to the City of Bloomington's most recent proposal to increase the Local Income Tax rate in Monroe County. To help you develop a well-informed opinion on this matter, we have provided the link below to the City's website which includes additional information on where funds will be appropriated. 

New Revenue | City of Bloomington, Indiana

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey,

The Advocacy Team
The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce

Question Title

* 1. If this proposal were to pass, Monroe County's Local Income Tax rate would increase from 1.345% to 2.2% - a 64% increase from the current rate. This change would result in new local tax revenue of $30.867 million annually. Are you generally supportive or unsupportive of this proposed increase to the Monroe County Local Income Tax rate?

Question Title

* 2. With additional revenue generated from an increased Local Income Tax rate, the City plans to make investments in the following four main areas. Please rank these areas according to their importance to you as a member of the Bloomington/Monroe County community.

Question Title

* 3. As a member of the business community, do you feel that this proposed tax policy change has the potential to positively or negatively affect your business or organization? 

Question Title

* 4. Please provide any additional thoughts you may have on a potential increase on the Local Income Tax rate.