Welcome to the High School Student Survey! This survey should be completed BEFORE you attend the EndDD.org (End Distracted Driving) distracted driving presentation.
Your responses to questions 1-9 will permit us to track your individual responses from pre to post survey while preserving your anonymity.

Question Title

* 5. Name of School

Question Title

* 6. City

Question Title

* 9. Homeroom teacher's last name

Question Title

* 10. Today's date

Question Title

* 11. In the last few weeks have you seen a program about distracted driving?

Question Title

* 12. Do you have a driver's license?

Please read each question and select the response that best describes your experience or your opinion. Remember, this is not a quiz, and you will not be graded.  Please provide your best guess when you do not know the answer.  We realize that there may be several questions to which you do not currently know the answer.

Question Title

* 13. How well do you think you understand what it means for a driver to be distracted?

Question Title

* 14. Assuming a driver is looking away from the road, when does crash risk first double?

Question Title

* 15. In the SPIDER acronym introduced in the Distracted Driving Presentation, what does the "S" stand for?

Question Title

* 16. What percentage of teens will put their phones away while driving, if a friend something about it?

Question Title

* 17. When your parent or caretaker is driving how much influence do you believe you can have as a passenger to cause your driver to stop driving distracted?

Question Title

* 18. When your friend is driving how much influence do you believe you can have as a passenger to cause your driver to stop driving distracted?

Question Title

* 19. If your driver is distracted while driving, do you know the right words to say to let your driver know of your concern about their driving behavior?

Question Title

* 20. Which statement do you believe would be most likely to get your driver to stop driving distracted?

Question Title

* 21. In the last few weeks, while in a moving car with your parent or caregiver driving, have you said something to your parent or caregiver about driving and engaging in any of the following activities (please select one response for each item):

  Yes, most times Yes, sometimes Yes, once No Not applicable
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 22. In the last few weeks, while in a moving car with a friend driving, have you said something to your friend about driving and engaging in any of the following activities (please select one response for each item):

  Yes, most times Yes, sometimes Yes, once No Not applicable
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 23. Please indicate the extent to which each of the following behaviors would worry you if you were in a moving car and you saw your driver engaging in any of the following behaviors: (please select one response for each item)

  Not at all worried A little worried Somewhat worried Very Worried Extremely worried
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 24. If your parent or caregiver were engaged in one of the following activities while driving and the car was moving, how confident are you that if you said something to them about that activity they would stop doing it : (please select one response for each item)

  Very confident Moderately confident Slightly confident Not confident at all
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 25. If your friend was engaged in one of the following activities while driving and the car was moving, how confident are you that if you said something to them about that activity they would stop doing it : (please select one response for each item)

  Very confident Moderately confident Slightly confident Not confident at all
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 26. How likely is a driver engaged in one of the activities below while the car was moving to get into a crash compared to a driver who is paying full attention to his or her driving? (please select one response for each item)

  A lost less likely to be in a crash A little less likely to be in a crash Just as likely to be in a crash A little more likely to be in a crash A lot more likely to be in a crash
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone

Question Title

* 27. When you are driving and the car is moving (either now or in the future), how likely do you think you would be to engage in the following activities? (please select one response for each item)

  Very likely Somewhat likely Not too likely Not at all likely I do not drive
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 28. I want to stop looking at texts and apps on my hand-held mobile device while driving

  Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Agree a Little Do not agree at all I Don't Drive
because it’s the right thing to do.
to avoid being in a crash.
so I can better protect myself and my passengers from distracted drivers.
because continuing to do so is disrespectful to everyone I share the road with.
because continuing to do so is selfish.

Question Title

* 29. How often in the last few weeks have you used a setting on your phone, or an app, that blocks incoming notifications while your car was moving?

Question Title

* 30. How often in the last few weeks have you seen your parent or caregiver engage in each of the following activities while driving and the car was moving? (please select one response for each item)

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching videos

Question Title

* 31. How often in the past few weeks have you seen your friends engage in each of the following activities while driving and the car was moving? (please select one response for each item)

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Reading/Looking at texts or apps
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching Videos

Question Title

* 32. How often in the last few weeks have you engaged in each of the following activities while driving and the car was moving? (please leave this question blank if you do not have your license)

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I Don't Drive
Talking on a hands-free cell phone
Talking on a hand-held cell phone
Looking at texts, apps, or otherwise looking away from the road ahead for more than two seconds
Typing a text or otherwise manually using their phone
Watching Videos
Thank you very much for taking our survey. We appreciate your taking the time to do so!