
Thank you for taking the time to complete the LTCOP Training Needs and NORC Evaluation Questionnaire for the 2022 - 2023 grant year. Your responses help NORC better understand your training needs, evaluate the success of its activities and materials, and provide NORC staff with key information in planning for future tasks.

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* 1. I am a....

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* 2. Please select your state

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* 3. How often do you visit the NORC website?

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* 4. How useful do you find the following NORC activities/resources?

  Very useful Useful Not useful Haven't used
Training Bureau (NORC staff/consultants presentations via webinar or in-person for LTCOPs) here.
Webinars here.
NORC resources (e.g., LTCOP Reference Guides, Issue Pages here, etc.)
On-Demand Training Center here.
NORS (National Ombudsman Reporting System) Training Materials here.
COVID-19 materials here.
Ombudsman Outlook (quarterly e-newsletter) here.
Volunteer Management Listserv here.
NORC Training (Initial Certification Training Curriculum for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs)

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* 5. What topics would you like to see NORC address in future training and/or resources?

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* 6. How often do you refer to a NORC resource to assist your work (e.g., webinar, Ombudsman Outlook, LTCOP Reference Guides, NORC Ombudsman Training Curriculum, etc.)?

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* 7. Have you shared a NORC resource/webinar and/or the NORC website with a LTCOP colleague, volunteer, long-term care consumer, family member, and/or others?

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* 8. Share one way you have found NORC to be helpful to you this year.

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* 9. When I request assistance from NORC, I receive a response within 2-3 business days.

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* 10. Is there an issue you have expertise in or a successful program practice you can share?

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* 11. Overall, does NORC meet your needs?

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* 12. Please share any additional comments or suggestions regarding NORC resources and/or activities.

Once finished, please click the "Done" button below to exit the survey and ensure your results are tabulated.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire!