Question Title

* 1. Please provide your name. (Optional, but appreciated.)

Question Title

* 2. Attendee type

Question Title

* 3. What is your age?

Question Title

* 4. What time zone(s) were you in when you watched the sessions?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following devices did you use to stream the video content? (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 6. Did you have any technical difficulties with the virtual annual meeting webpage?

Question Title

* 7. What did you think of the virtual meeting website?  (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 8. When did you view the content?

Question Title

* 9. Did you attend the live Zoom Happy Hour on Tuesday, May 4?

Question Title

* 10. Regarding the live Zoom Q&A session on Tuesday, May 25, please rate the following presenters.

  1 - Extremely helpful 2 - Very helpful  3 - Somewhat helpful 4 - Not so helpful 5 - Not at all helpful I did not attend this session
Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs
Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance
Dr. Marci Rossell - economist
Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs
Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling
Lori Brocker - NYL consultant
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33% of survey complete.