2021 Virtual Nautilus Annual Meeting Attendee Survey Question Title * 1. Please provide your name. (Optional, but appreciated.) Question Title * 2. Attendee type Nautilus Member Agent Nautilus Member Staff Nautilus Member Successor Agent District Agent Child of Nautilus Member Agent New York Life Home Office The Nautilus Group Staff Guest Meeting Presenter Question Title * 3. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older I'd prefer not to respond to this question. Question Title * 4. What time zone(s) were you in when you watched the sessions? Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Alaska Hawaii Question Title * 5. Which of the following devices did you use to stream the video content? (Please select all that apply.) Desktop/Laptop computer Tablet computer Smartphone Apple TV Internet TV Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Did you have any technical difficulties with the virtual annual meeting webpage? Everything worked perfectly! I experienced buffering from time to time, likely caused by my local internet connection. I had issues, but didn't reach out for assistance. I had issues, reached out for support, and everything worked great after that. Is there anything else you'd like to add? Question Title * 7. What did you think of the virtual meeting website? (Please select all that apply.) I loved the instructional comments on how to use the site. It was nice to be able to add comments to the guestbook and read the posts from my colleagues. Being able to see the bios, watch the overview videos, and read the session descriptions was very helpful. I liked that I could download the handouts right from the site itself. It could have been better. (Please tell us why in the comments box below.) Comments Question Title * 8. When did you view the content? I logged in right at 2:00 PM Eastern and watched the sessions as soon as they were posted. Sometimes I watched the sessions right when they were posted and sometimes I went back later to watch. I watched most of the sessions after 4:00 PM Eastern. I watched one or two of the sessions but if it's not a live event, I find I just won't watch it. Is there anything else you'd like to add? Question Title * 9. Did you attend the live Zoom Happy Hour on Tuesday, May 4? Yes, I attended and thought it was great! I loved the music and the opportunity to see everyone. Yes, I attended and thought it was just okay. Yes, I attended, but didn't enjoy it. No, unfortunately I missed it. Is there anything else you'd like to add? Question Title * 10. Regarding the live Zoom Q&A session on Tuesday, May 25, please rate the following presenters. 1 - Extremely helpful 2 - Very helpful 3 - Somewhat helpful 4 - Not so helpful 5 - Not at all helpful I did not attend this session Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs 1 - Extremely helpful Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs 2 - Very helpful Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs 3 - Somewhat helpful Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs 4 - Not so helpful Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs 5 - Not at all helpful Thomas Brinker - professor/special needs I did not attend this session Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance 1 - Extremely helpful Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance 2 - Very helpful Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance 3 - Somewhat helpful Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance 4 - Not so helpful Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance 5 - Not at all helpful Bill Cates - marketing/radical relevance I did not attend this session Dr. Marci Rossell - economist Dr. Marci Rossell - economist 1 - Extremely helpful Dr. Marci Rossell - economist 2 - Very helpful Dr. Marci Rossell - economist 3 - Somewhat helpful Dr. Marci Rossell - economist 4 - Not so helpful Dr. Marci Rossell - economist 5 - Not at all helpful Dr. Marci Rossell - economist I did not attend this session Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs 1 - Extremely helpful Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs 2 - Very helpful Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs 3 - Somewhat helpful Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs 4 - Not so helpful Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs 5 - Not at all helpful Martin Shenkman - attorney/SLATs I did not attend this session Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling 1 - Extremely helpful Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling 2 - Very helpful Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling 3 - Somewhat helpful Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling 4 - Not so helpful Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling 5 - Not at all helpful Deirdre Van Nest - virtual selling I did not attend this session Lori Brocker - NYL consultant Lori Brocker - NYL consultant 1 - Extremely helpful Lori Brocker - NYL consultant 2 - Very helpful Lori Brocker - NYL consultant 3 - Somewhat helpful Lori Brocker - NYL consultant 4 - Not so helpful Lori Brocker - NYL consultant 5 - Not at all helpful Lori Brocker - NYL consultant I did not attend this session Is there anything else you'd like to add about this live session? 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