For individuals returning from incarceration, successful reentry depends on intergovernmental collaboration that is responsive to both community and returnees’ needs, so that chances for recidivism are minimized and public health and safety are maximized. That’s especially true in Indian country, where the complex nature of jurisdiction makes coordination among Tribal, Federal, state and local justice systems particularly challenging.

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), in partnership with the American Probation and Parole Association, will host two Tribal Intergovernmental Reentry Workshops. These interactive workshops will provide participants with the tools they need to develop effective reentry plans based on the sharing of operational, organizational, and culture-based concepts and processes that result in the identification of critical services and interventions needed to reduce recidivism and victimization.

The two workshops that you may apply for are:

National workshop

The national training is open to any tribe and will cover the fundamentals of creating and improving reentry strategies. Tribes that opt to participate in this workshop may include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) Tribal Council (relevant committee of main governing body), (2) Court/Judiciary, (3) Behavioral Health/Health Services/IHS, (4) Community-based Service Provider, (5) Community Resource Person, (6) Victims' Services, (7) Tribal Probation, (8) Tribal Prosecution, (9) Detention/Corrections, (10) Law Enforcement (i.e. Chief of Police), and (11) Budget Finance. Federal representatives will include U.S. Probation, U.S. Attorney's Office, Bureau of Prisons, and Bureau of Indian Affairs.

State-based workshop

The state-based workshop will be offered to interested tribes within a particular state that wish to develop a better understanding of the state department of corrections and federal Bureau of Prisons recidivism reduction programming and reentry services to improve their own reentry strategy. Applicants for this workshop will need to demonstrate that their state department of corrections is willing to participate. This training will include interested tribes within a single state based on applications received and selected. State participation will include representatives from institutional and community corrections agencies, courts, and pretrial services (if applicable). Federal representatives will include U.S. Probation, U.S. Attorney's Office, Bureau of Prisons, and Bureau of Indian Affairs.

The nationwide workshop will be delivered VIRTUALLY on April 6th through the 8th. The date and location for the state-based workshop will be determined once the successful applicant is selected through the competitive process.

Applications are due by February 26th. For questions regarding the application process, please contact Nan Benally at 859-244-8056 or If you would like a PDF copy of the application for review please email either Nan Benally ( or Travis Johnson ( Please understand that space in the program is limited and that not all applicants may be accommodated in this series of workshops. To proceed with completing and submitting an application for your tribe to be considered to attend one workshop, please click "Next" below.
10% of survey complete.