Question Title

* Name

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* Date of Birth

Question Title

* Player Email

Question Title

* Player Phone

Question Title

* Parent/Guardian details

Question Title

* Field Position

Question Title

* Batting

Question Title

* Throwing

Question Title

* Club Ball


I understand that Baseball Victoria (BV) is conducting a National Showcase Series - Victoria in 2021.
I will observe and comply with all reasonable requirements of the National Showcase Series - Victoria respecting conduct and service of each participating team and its players, at all times, both on and off the field and, in connection therewith, I agree as follows:

I have read and understand the following: (All the below policies, codes and other documents can be
found via the following link
Ø Player Code of Conduct
Ø Photography Policy
Ø Social Media, use of
Ø Anti-Doping

1. I agree that my image may be recorded for still photographs or television at such reasonable times as may be designated and further agree that my name, nickname, signature (or facsimile thereof), biographical sketch, playing record, likeness, picture, portrait, voice, caricature or other identifiable feature, as depicted in a photograph, television footage, drawing, print or other
media currently known or hereafter developed (“Attributes”) may be used, in combination with BV and National Showcase Series Victoria names and/or logos, with the approval of BV, for advertising and promotional purposes, including, but not limited to, use of attributes on products in connection with BV, including, but not limited to, uses by media partners and authorised sponsors of the BV.

2. I represent and warrant that I have full power and authority to enter into this Agreement unless I am under the age of 18 whereupon I have sought the consent of my parent or guardian and have provided evidence of their consent and acceptance of this agreement on my behalf by their acknowledgement of the Parent/Guardian section contained below. I confirm that, except as set forth herein, no further consideration will be due to me or any other person or entity in exchange for the rights granted herein.

3. I understand that by playing in the National Showcase Series - Victoria, I acknowledge that I understand the process by which Australian Youth teams are selected and agree to use all of my best efforts to make myself available for Australian Youth Team selection.

4. I understand that this Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties in connection with the National Showcase Series Victoria, is personal to me and shall not be assigned or transferred, in whole or in part, nor may it be modified or revoked except in writing signed by both parties, and I confirm that I will abide by its terms.

Question Title

* I give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the National Showcase Series and agree to all conditions outlined in this agreement.


I/We (the parent(s)/guardian(s)) of the above named player (or any underage person) participating with the team hereby authorise BV (which term for the purposes of this authorisation clause and subsequent clauses shall severally and jointly mean and include BV, its Directors, employees, agents and contractors) to:

a) In case of illness or injury which may occur in connection with his/her participation in the National Showcase Series Victoria and all aspects of the team's program, and also all aspects of any involvement with a National Team program have a medical officer provide medical assistance and treatment to the player as deemed necessary.

2. I/We understand(s) that this action is to provide prompt medical treatment and assistance and that
only qualified practitioner will be engaged in such treatment in emergency.

Question Title

* 3. I/We advise of the following known allergies or pre-existing conditions
(e.g. Asthma, etc.):

Question Title

* 4. I/We advise of the following details of any stabiliser, drug, asthmatic, heart and/or other out of the ordinary physical or medical concerns appropriate to the above player/participant.

Question Title

* 5. I/We undertake to disclose to BV full details of all injuries, illnesses and conditions as provided for in Clauses 3 and 4 above.

6. I/We acknowledge that BV will not meet the cost of any medical or hospital service incurred and that it is my/our responsibility to ensure that I/we have adequate health insurance and extras cover at all times.

7. Exclusion of liability for damage to players/participants person or property:

I/We hereby agree that BV (which term for the purpose of this indemnity clause shall severally and jointly mean and include BV, its Directors, employees, agents and contractors) shall not be deemed responsible or liable, whether in contract or in tort or under any statute, for any injury, illness, loss or damage or other mishap to me or my property sustained in, arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with my participation in the National Showcase Series Victoria and National Team Program, or with any travelling, match, competition, practice, training or function of whatsoever nature held during the period of my participation or with any medical or scientific examinations and tests conducted on me during the period of my participation in the National Showcase Series Victoria and National Team Program, or for any disciplinary or other action ordered, taken against or directed at me by the National Executive Director of BA, any person authorised or directed by him or the Chief Executive Officer, BV, or the Head Coach or Coaches or Executive Officer of any Development Camp or participating team in the National Showcase Series Victoria and Team Program, or any persons appointed by BV and hereby indemnify and will at all times thereafter well and sufficiently indemnify and keep fully indemnified BV from and against all actions, suits, causes of action, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against BV or incurred or become payable by BV in connection with, or arising out of any such injury, illness, loss, damage or other mishap to me or my property or any disciplinary or other action ordered, taken against or directed at me and hereby agree (without in anyway imposing or attaching any liability or obligation upon BV to do so) that BV or Affiliated Association of BV may act as my agent in incurring such expenses as, and/or doing whatsoever is reasonably necessary for the benefit of me in connection with or arising out of any such injury, illness, loss, damage or other mishap.

(Parents will be notified in cases of serious illness or injury as quickly as possible, but this consent will make immediate treatment possible)

The Australian Baseball Federation adheres to the National Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act with regard to the manner in which it receives, manages and stores personal information. Your personal details will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided them. We will not disclose your personal information to others or allow third parties to access it unless required by law,
or unless it is necessary to do so to prevent a threat to life or health.