Hello Littlestown Bolt Families,

In March of 2015, 2017, and 2019 we surveyed the community, staff, and students about making Littlestown a World-Class School and Community.  Your feedback and results led the way for many of the improvement efforts in the district. 

The school board, staff, and students embraced the initial survey results and worked diligently to implement improvements.  This survey is to gather input from the community and assist us in impacting policy and budget decisions.  Below you will find the top 4 areas ranked from previous survey results: 

2015 2017 2019       2021  
Safe Environment Safe Environment Safe Environment TBD 
Technology High Expectations Meeting academic and social needs of all students TBD
High Expectations Interventions Expand Career Tech Programs TBD
Interventions Technology Enhance secondary facilities TBD

When responding to the survey, please reflect upon the last 6 years. Share the link with others as our goal is to have at least 500+ community members participate!

Thank you in advance for staying engaged and guiding the LASD and greater community. 

Warmest Wishes
Chris Bigger
Superintendent of Littlestown Area School District

Question Title

* 1. Please select the school level(s) your child/ren attends. Check all that apply.

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* 2. What grade would you give LASD as a school district overall for the quality of education it provides?

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* 3. What grade would you give your oldest child's school for the quality of education it provides?

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* 4. What are the most critical areas that LASD should address in order to earn a better grade in the future?

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* 5. What grade would you give your youngest child's school for the quality of education it provides?

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* 6. What are the most critical areas that LASD should address in order to earn a better grade in the future?

Question Title

* 7. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Littlestown?
    LASD spends our tax dollars to support the educational needs of all students.

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* 8. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement about Littlestown?
    Our teachers care about the students.

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* 9. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement about Littlestown?
    Our schools have high academic standards.

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* 10. How likely are you to recommend LASD to someone considering a move to LASD?

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* 11. If you were to recommend LASD to someone, which of the following would be your top reason for recommending LASD?

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* 12. The district has identified a number of challenges we will face over the next few years.  Please select all the challenges that the district should address.

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* 13. Rank the strategies from highest to lowest priority below for improving student success in LASD.

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* 14. How often do teachers provide you with information that is important to you?

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* 15. How often do school administrators provide you with information that is important to you?

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* 16. How often do district administrators provide you with information that is important to you?

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* 17. How often do schools seek input from you on issues that are important to you?

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* 18. The school board and superintendent are transparent with major initiatives in the district.

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* 19. How do you prefer to receive information regarding LASD? Check all that apply.

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* 20. How do you prefer to receive information regarding your child's school? Check all that apply.

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* 21. How do you receive most printed information regarding LASD?  Check all that apply.

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* 22. How do you receive most online/electronic information regarding LASD? Check all that apply.

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* 23. Please share any additional suggestions or concerns related to communication.

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* 24. Are you a graduate of LASD?

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* 25. How long have you been associated with Littlestown?

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* 26. In the future, what question should we ask the community that would help provide us with good feedback?