Deadline April 2

The Casualty Actuarial Society invites you to be a part of an exciting seminar for fall 2021. The Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar Planning Committee is soliciting your submission of proposals for presentations at the upcoming event scheduled for September 13-15, 2021.

Please note that the general sessions and concurrent sessions will take place on September 13-14. Workshops will take place September 15.

Please note: The entire conference will be conducted virtually.

We appreciate your willingness to contribute to the actuarial body of knowledge.

Please complete each item in this call as this helps the planning committee to select the best sessions. This also helps you to crystallize your thinking as you prepare your actual presentation so that you may hone your presentation to the desired audience.

For ease in submission, develop your proposal content first in MSWord or other word-processing software and then copy/paste it into the appropriate submission form fields. For explanations about any of the requested items, refer back to the full Call for Presentations  and Guidelines for Proposal Writers.

Deadline for submission: April 2

Question Title

* 1. Submitter Info

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* 2. I will review all the additional speaker resources (short videos) before preparing my presentation and encourage all other speakers in my session to review as well. I will incorporate these tools and tips into my presentation and expect the same for all other speakers in my session. I understand that failure to do so could result in my session being pulled from the program.

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* 3. I acknowledge that I may be assigned a mentor to assist in the preparation of my presentation. Mentors will communicate with speakers via email and phone to provide additional tips/resources for presentation materials. All presenters for this event will be subject to participating in the mentor program.

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* 4. I, and all other speakers in my session, will meet the submission deadlines and provide an abstract including title, speakers, and a brief description for review by April 2.

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* 5. Write a compelling title (maximum: 200 Characters) that quickly captures the key concept behind why someone should choose to attend your session over another.

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* 6. Write a description (maximum: 150 words) that contains your primary content categories/segments; how participants will be able to apply what they learn from you; how you will involve the audience in your session; and what types of content you will include in your handout.

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* 7. Write an appropriate number of clear and focused learning objectives, using action verbs, for the format you have selected (maximum 50 words per objective). 

At the end of this session, participants will be able to…

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* 8. Could this session be pre-recorded, with speakers available during the live-streaming for Q&A?

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* 10. Select one of the following CLRS tracks that best fits your content.

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* 11. Topic Category (CAS Taxonomy) - Choose all that are applicable

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* 12. Decide for which learning format you’d like your proposal considered. Keep in mind that this decision has a significant impact on how you design and develop your program should it be accepted.

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* 13. Please indicate which of the interactive delivery methods you see as appropriate for your session (please select up to three).

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* 14. Identify in which learning approach your content is best delivered; again, this is a significant choice concerning the design and development of an accepted session.

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* 15. Please provide the names and contact information for all speakers in your session at the time of proposal submission, including email addresses; CAS will notify each person listed in the proposal of his/her inclusion. Please do not add their names unless they have agreed to present. As the submitter, you will be CAS’s primary contact concerning this proposal.

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* 16. Most submissions will be directed to an audience of property and casualty actuaries. However, if your presentation is to be directed to a different audience, then select the target audience category to which your session or workshop will be directed. Ensure your topic is appropriate for the roles described in that category.

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* 17. Is the session content suitable for non-actuaries?

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* 18. I will review the speaker management resources provided by the CAS particularly related to being a more effective speaker (, and I will implement the suggestions provided therein.

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* 19. I will include at least one activity in this session to engage the audience. For sessions that ultimately are pre-recorded, this includes being made available during the live-stream for Q&A.