Your feedback is important to us! Could you take 5 minutes to answer these 11 questions? You can help guide our future professional development planning efforts. Thank you for taking the time to give us your perspective. 

Question Title

* 1. What is your role or affiliation with adult education (AE)? (If more than one option applies, choose the one option that best fits your role.)

Question Title

* 2. In which conference events did you participate? (Select all that apply.)


Question Title

* 3. How would you rate the format of the 2021 AE&L ReMix Team Challenge Showcase?

Question Title

* 4. How has the virtual showcase format compared to an in-person conference experience?

Question Title

* 5. One thing I would change about the format of the 2021 AE&L ReMix Team Challenge Showcase is:

Learning and Growing through the Lens of Diversity PLC with Daquanna Harrison

Participants will have a combination of live (virtually) and asynchronous sessions and readings that support your internal growth while also being provided with tangible tools and practices for immediate use within programs, classrooms, and workplaces.
• Learn about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) practices that translate to the Adult Ed field and classroom,
• engage with colleagues across Virginia in discussions focused on diversity, leading to deeper understanding of the many challenges and successes across the Adult Ed spectrum, and
• reflect on your own biases and how to interpret them, while evaluating how you can support #EdEquityVA at your individual programs and positions.
5 weeks total; Live- 1.5 hours/week; Asynchronous- up to 3 hours/week
Getting Started with Project Based Learning with Jorge Valenzuela

Participants will learn how project-based learning (PBL) is an effective way for students to learn and develop deeper learning of competencies required for success in college, career, and civic life. Using the 'Getting Started with Project Based Learning Framework,' you will consider using PBL to engage students' hearts and minds while providing real-world relevance for learning with strategies and approaches that are equitable to all learners. Additionally, you will end with a PBL unit that you can implement with students.
5 weeks total; Live- 2 hours/week; Asynchronous- up to 2 hours/week

Question Title

* 6. We are seeking to gauge interest in the following initiatives as we plan for the 2021-2022 program year. Based on the previous PLC descriptions, please indicate your level of interest.

  Yes, I want to participate and would make time in my schedule. I did not attend this plenary session and need more information. No, I am not interested in participating.
Learning and Growing through the Lens of Diversity PLC with Daquanna Harrsion
Getting Started with Project-based Learning PLC with Jorge Valenzuela

Question Title

* 7. What timeframe would be best for these PLC offerings?

  Learning and Growing Through the Lens of Diversity PLC with Daquanna Harrison Getting Started with Project-based Learning (PBL) with Jorge Valenzuela
Fall: September–December
Spring: January–May
Summer: June–September
None of the above

Question Title

* 8. What part of the 2021 AE&L Conference ReMix Team Showcase experience did you find most interesting or helpful to you in your work?

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* 9. What part of the 2021 AE&L Conference ReMix Team Showcase do you want to learn more about?

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* 10. What topic(s) would you like to see a future team take on as a challenge?

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* 11. I have a professional development idea that I would like to share. Please contact me.