2021 Jacksonville Fiduciary Summit Registration (Live Event) Question Title * Contact Information First Name Last Name Company/Organization Title Email Office Phone Number & Ext. Question Title * Cell Phone Number (Optional) Question Title * I comfortable attending (check all that apply) In-Person Event With Safety Measures in Place Virtual Summit (Online Only) Either/Both Question Title * I need the following CE Credits: HRCI - PHR/SPHR CPE/CPA SHRM CEBS Question Title * Registration Fee Yes! I would like to participate in the RPRS Survey and waive my $150 registration fee. I prefer to pay the $150 registration fee and have all proceeds donated to Episcopal Children's Services. I DO NOT wish to participate in the survey and I would prefer to pay the $150 registration fee or I have a registration code.(Enter code below, if applicable.) Question Title * Registration Code/Comments Question Title * Refer a Colleague/Company (We will send them an invitation): 1) Colleague Name 1) Company 1) Email 2) Colleague Name 2) Company 2) Email Next