ACDIS is excited to open nominations for its four legacy annual professional awards--the Professional of the Year; Recognition of Professional Achievement; and Rookie of the Year. To read the criteria for these awards, please visit the ACDIS website.

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* 1. Your Contact Information

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* 2. Nominee's Contact Information (if not nominating yourself)

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* 3. Please provide a short bio (one paragraph) for your nominee (Please start with their full name, credentials, job title, facility name, city, state and then include some description of their professional career and educational history. Examples of professional bios can be seen on ACDIS’ Boards and Committees pages.)

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* 4. Which award would you like to apply for?

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* 5. Please list three reasons for nominating this individual?

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* 6. Please upload your nominee's resume, CV, or provide a link to an online professional profile (if available)

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.

Question Title

* 7. Please provide an additional relevant information about your nominee or your program to paint the picture of why they are a deserving candidate.