February 2020 OST Coalition Feedback Form

1.Please answer the statements by checking the circle that BEST describes your agreement/disagreement with the statement.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
a.  Facilitator(s) created a safe space for all to contribute to the dialogue.
b. The meeting objectives were clear and met during this meeting.
c.  The presentations were clear
d.  I was engaged with the meeting content.
e. I was inspired by today's dialogue and want to contribute to future meetings
2.Would you be willing to attend another Coalition meeting in May or June 2020(Required.)
3.I would like to participate in an informal gathering to discuss the 2018-19 Director Experience and Engagement Report.(Required.)
4.I would like a follow-up meeting with an AFCOST staff person to discuss my organizational professional development report.(Required.)
5.I would like to learn more about . . . 
6.I would like the opportunity to share thoughts or contribute to the following action items discussed in the visioning section:
7.Additional comments about the February 26th gathering:
8.If you requested information, requested follow up, and/or want to share additional thoughts on any of the items above, please give us your name and phone number.
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered