Nomination Instructions and Form

Nominations are welcome for individuals or organizations that have provided outstanding volunteerism and service for a variety of activities or by focusing on one issue of primary importance.
PART I.   

A.  Individual Awards  

1.  Governor George Romney Lifetime Achievement Award
  • An individual who demonstrates a lifelong commitment to community involvement and volunteer service.
  • This individual has taken their volunteer service to the highest level and has shown a tremendous passion for helping others.
  • He/she is highly regarded for making a tremendous impact in their community or the state.
2.  Lifetime Humanitarian Award
  • An individual or family that has demonstrated a lifetime of outstanding civic and charitable responsibility to a community or organization.
  • This individual or family is a role model and exhibits selfless commitment to the community and tireless actions which may include significant monetary contributions, serving on community board(s), and/or leading major community projects.
3. Senior Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Individuals 65 or older who are taking action to make their community a better place.
  • These individual share their many years of experience and are role models for others to serve and volunteer.
4.  Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Individuals over the age of 25 who strive to improve the lives of people in their community or state.
  • These individuals make impact through volunteering in various capacities with nonprofits and organizations, showing a commitment to strengthening communities.
5. Youth Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Individuals age 25 and younger who work hard to make an impact in their community through volunteerism.
  • These individuals create solutions to make lives better and demonstrate the spirit of being change makers. 
6.  Mentor of the Year 
  • Individuals who mentor youth or support youth development. 
  • These individuals tirelessly offer guidance, support, and encouragement to cultivate the positive and healthy development of an individual or group of youth. 


B. Organization and Business Awards

1.  Outstanding Volunteer Organization Award
  • Service Club, Nonprofit, Faith-based, Veteran, Disaster Preparedness, or other organization that makes a demonstrated difference in their community or the state by inspiring people to volunteer.
2.  Education Service Leader Award
  • Schools, Colleges/Universities, or other organizations that support youth to engage in service and volunteerism
  • These organizations assist youth in making a difference both on campus and in their communities.
3.  Outstanding National Service Program Award
  • AmeriCorps State, AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps National, Senior Companions, Foster Grandparents and RSVP programs that successfully make an impact in communities and successfully support their service members.
4.  Corporate Community Leader 
  • Corporations/Businesses that are committed to all levels of volunteerism and service in their communities and/or the state.
  • This commitment could include supporting employees to volunteer, developing formal volunteer programs,  or providing monetary contributions and in-kind gifts.


We suggest:

1. Preview Questions by downloading sample form (Sample Individual Nomination Form) (Sample Organization Nomination Form)

2. Type answers on sample word form and save document.

3. Copy and paste answers into Survey Monkey.

4. Submit Application

Applications are due by Feb. 3, 2020

Provide as much relevant information as possible about your Nominee. Your application tells the story of why your nominee deserves to be honored as one of the
outstanding volunteers in Michigan. Self nominations for individual categories are prohibited. Self nominations for organization/business categories are allowed.

Eligible candidates must agree do undergo a background check.

A hard copy of the nomination form is available upon request.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the Michigan Community Service Commission at 517-335-4295 or email