Please read the following and acknowledge your compliance before filling out the application:

A FULL Conference Scholarship is available and being offered to eligible WMCA members to attend the IIMC Annual Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, May 17 through May 20, 2020.  If you are interested in applying for a Conference Scholarship and match ALL the criteria below, print this application form, complete in full, and submit it to the WMCA Headquarters at the address on page 4. 

To be considered, your Application MUST be at WMCA Headquarters by March 1, 2020.

Please read the following CRITERIA and acknowledge your compliance before filling out the application:
·         Applicants must show proof from their municipality (immediate supervisor) that they support and are authorized to attend the Conference this year and provide for their own accommodations, transportation and meal expenses.

·         Scholarships must be used for the 2020 Conference and cannot be rolled over into another year.

·         No other conference discounts apply with this Scholarship.


·         My memberships with the WMCA will be paid in full for the current year before this application will be considered.

·         I understand that I must provide an answer for ALL questions for my application to be considered.

·         I understand that if I am not employed at the time of the Conference, I will not receive the Scholarship.

OPTIONAL:  On a separate sheet of paper, write an article (300 to 800 words) for possible publication in the Monthly E-Newsletter for WMCA Members AND the IIMC E-News Digest highlighting a best practice, unique project, or other program implemented in your municipality in which you take particular pride and would like to share with your colleagues.  Applicants agree that, if of sufficient quality, their article may be published in the WMCA E-Newsletter and the IIMC E-News Digest, whether or not you receive a scholarship.

Question Title

* 1. I have typed in my Name below to acknowledge that I have read each statement above and acknowledge that if I do not comply, my scholarship will be forfeited.

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