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When we work with one voice, we are more powerful.  
On February 14, 2020, the League of Women Voters will celebrate 100 years of empowering voters and defending democracy. Since our founding, our organization has attracted a tenacious and powerful membership focused on realizing the potential of our democracy. We are excited to commemorate our 100th anniversary and demonstrate our League power through a coordinated Day of Action focused on the theme Women Power the Vote.  
To demonstrate our League power, we need League action. The more Leagues that participate on February 14th, the bigger our impact and the stronger we become. With the 2020 presidential election, the decennial Census and redistricting approaching, 2020 marks a critical year—not just for us—but for our entire country. We want our communities to know that we have fought hard for 100 years and are prepared to fight hard for 100 more. 
We are asking you to fill out this short survey to give us basic information in the lead up to the Day of Action so we know how to best support our members in the field. 
By providing us with this information, we can create a state by state and national story, help amplify your work, and see how to best invest resources (such as deployment of professional photographers, stickers, posters, and LWVUS staff time or travel). 
This survey will be open from November 20th – January 10th. In this period, we will be assessing and tallying activities. When the survey closes on January 10th, we will then be able to provide state-specific information about reported activities for Leagues to share broadly with your communities! We encourage you to use this information to bring attention to your state impact. 
Following the Day of Action, we will collect information to report out our League accomplishments through a post-survey. The post-survey will be open from February 3rd, 2020-February 28th, 2020. We want to be able to effectively share our impact, so be sure to track your work and be prepared to tell us: 

1. How many people were reached through in-person activities (such as rallies, forums, panel discussions), 
2. Total number of people reached online, 
3. How many times were your efforts covered in the media, and
4. How many volunteers you recruited. 
To best prepare, start setting your goals now! 
By February 21st, we will provide a top-line report out of activities and impact and then a deeper report out by early March. 
We are eager to hear about your plans and will lift up your work every step of the way.  

Please don’t hesitate to reach out should any questions arise! 
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