On behalf of the Alaska Boards of Fisheries and Game, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Boards Support Section is seeking public input on the upcoming 2020/2021 meeting cycle as they relate to COVID-19.

Alaska’s fish and game regulatory process is among the most public in the nation. Board meetings rely on a high degree of public interaction making social distancing to avoid the spread of COVID-19 very difficult. In reviewing options for in-person or virtual (remote/online) meetings that will be live streamed to the public, Boards Support is seeking public input.

The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.

Survey deadline is August 31, 2020.

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* 1. What board are you most interested in?

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* 2. What board meetings are of interest to you?

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* 3. Please list the town and state you live in:

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* 4. Have you attended a board meeting in the past?