Instructional Support from District Office: Teacher Feedback

Providing classroom teachers with effective and ongoing curriculum and instructional support is a priority for the Instructional Services Department. We ask that you reflect on your interactions with any of the Content Interventionists (sometimes referred to as Curriculum Specialists) that work with you and your school and answer the brief questions below. Your feedback will allow us to help tailor our support to ensure we are meeting your needs. Thank you for your time.

Question Title

* 2. I primarily teach:

Question Title

* 3. How many times during this last school year have you interacted with a Content Interventionist related to instruction, curriculum maps, resources etc?

Question Title

* 4. Please review each statement and indicate your level of agreement with each:

  Strongly Agree Agree Agree Somewhat Undecided Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Content Interventionist(s) are easily accessible to me.
The Content Interventionist(s) are a good resource for me.
The Content Interventionist(s) are knowledgeable about the SC Learning Standards.
The Content Interventionist(s) are prompt in getting back to me when I call or email with questions.
The Content Interventist(s) are helpful in facilitating data discussions that impact my instructional decisions.
Overall, I find the Content Interventionist(s) to be helpful to me in my work.

Question Title

* 5. Please list at least one area where the Content Interventionist(s) are especially helpful:

Question Title

* 6. Please list at least one area where the Content Interventionist(s) could better support you.

Question Title

* 7. Please share any other thoughts or comments in the area below: