Overall Evaluation Form

We need your input for planning next year's conference. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form - we really appreciate it!

Having trouble? Contact Miriam at mscagnetti@massland.org

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* 1. Which do you represent? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 2. Was this your first time attending the conference?

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* 3. Please respond to the questions below using the following scale:

1 = strongly agree
2 = generally agree
3 = mixed thoughts
4 = generally disagree
5 = strongly disagree

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A
a) The conference increased my general knowledge of conservation issues.
b) There was a good variety of workshops to help me with my work.
c) The conference provided information I'll share with others.
d) The conference allowed me to meet new colleagues.
e) Before and after sessions I mostly talked with people I already knew.
f) The morning plenary session was informative to me.
g) The morning plenary session was inspiring to me.

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* 4. Was there anything you particularly liked or found helpful at this conference?

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* 5. Was this conference worth your time and money?

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* 6. Do you have any suggestions for improving this conference?

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* 7. How did you hear about this conference? (check all that apply)

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* 8. Are there any workshops that you would like to see repeated next year? Or new topics offered?

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* 9. Which workshop(s) do you wish you had attended?

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* 10. Which presenters did you find to be particularly effective today?

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* 11. Other comments?

Thank for completing this survey. Your responses are valuable to the Conference Planning Committee. We could not host this conference without support from participants, including our members, presenters, volunteers and sponsors.

For more information about the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition and becoming a member, go to www.massland.org/member.