Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2018 OOD Job Fairs!  Please complete the registration in its entirety.  You will be notified closer to the event by a Business Relations Specialist in your area with more details.  We look forward to working with you on this exciting event!  PLEASE NOTE - THE CINCINNATI JOB FAIR ON OCTOBER 3; TOLEDO JOB FAIR ON OCTOBER 10; AND THE COLUMBUS JOB FAIR ON OCTOBER 17 ARE NOW ON A WAITLIST.  IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING YOU MAY STILL SIGN UP BUT AS OF SEPTEMBER 18TH THIS JOB FAIR IS WAITLISTED. 
Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Company/Employer Name:

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* 2. Mailing Address:

Question Title

* 3. City, State, Zip:

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* 4. Contact Name:

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* 5. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 6. Email Address:

Question Title

* 7. Company Website address:

Question Title

* 8. Which Job Fair date(s)/location(s) will you be attending?

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* 9. Please list the number of staff planning to attend the morning Education Workshop.

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* 10. Please provide booth personnel name and email.  If more than one, complete the next text box:

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* 11. Other booth personnel name and email.  If more than two, please complete the next text box:

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* 12. Other booth personnel name and email.  If you have additional names, please list them here:

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* 13. We will have limited access to electrical connection for booths.  If you require electrical access to power your display, please check this box and someone will contact you.

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* 14. OOD will provide attendees with a boxed lunch from 11-11:30. Please indicate the number of staff to be included for the boxed lunch:

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* 15. To request a disability accommodation for this event, please respond below with your accommodation needs no later than September 19, 2018: