Dear Nominee,

The Florida Advanced Technological Education center-FLATE together with the Florida Association for Industrial and Technical Education, FAITE*, are working together for the 2018 recognition program.
FLATE Distinguished Manufacturing Service Recognition Program, brings recognition to both secondary and post-secondary educators as well as recognizes key personnel for outstanding contributions to promote technology education and career awareness in support of manufacturing. This award includes nominees working in any manufacturing area such as economic development, industry, education and administration.

Award winners are selected from submitted nominations from around the state. FLATE awards are judged by an awards committee made up of industry representative of our FLATE Industry Advisory Committee and FAITE.

The awards committee reserves the right to select award recipients that do not meet FACTE’s membership requirements. 

*FAITE is a division of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, FACTE.

Question Title

* 1. Select the 2018 award you have been nominated for (check one)

Question Title

* 2. Nominee Information

Question Title

* 3. Why do you think manufacturing education is important. (maximum 250 words. Applicants should submit information written in the 3rd person context rather than the 1st).

Question Title

* 4. Nominee's outstanding contributions to manufacturing and/or engineering technology education and training at local, state and/or national level (maximum 250 words. Applicants should submit information written in the 3rd person context rather than the 1st. Events should be dated and listed with the most recent submitted first):

Question Title

* 5. References

Nomination Deadlines
* Online nomination part I (nominators): April 13, 2018
* Online nomination part II (nominees): May 1, 2018
* Award winners will be notified by June 4, 2018
* Awards will be presented during the The 52nd  Annual FACTE Conference & Trade Show, July 16-18, 2018
held at the ChampionsGate, 8575 White Shark Blvd. Championsgate, FL 33896.