Science Fair Details

Thank you for your interest in the 2017 Ameriprise Science Fair.

What: 2017 Ameriprise Science Fair, in conjunction with The Einstein Project Science Expo
Where:  Shopko Hall - Green Bay, WI
When:  Saturday, February 4, 2017;  9am-4pm
Who: Grades K - 8
Please fill out the form completely by January 6, 2017 in order to be registered. This is a firm deadline and registration will be closed after this date. You will receive an email within a week of your entry with confirmation of your entry.  You will need to know the contact information for all the students participating (unless a class project), the participant's parent(s) or guardian, and the participant(s)' teacher. 

Each school is allowed up to 50 applications per school. If and when the spaces are filled, a notice will be put on The Einstein Project's Website under the Events tab.

*Each participant will receive a confirmation letter via email a week prior to the Ameriprise Science Fair. This letter will include their judging time (if applicable) and admission tickets to the Science Expo for the student and one adult. The display space for the project is half an eight foot table (approximately 4x2).

Guidelines for a successful science fair project:

1) In deciding a topic make sure you pick something that interests you. If you like sports think of a sports question you can test. If you really like your dog decide on a question that would include your dog. The judges (and you!) will enjoy the project more if you do something that really interests you!

2) Be sure and use the Scientific Method (This is what the judges want to see!)
a. Make sure you are doing an experiment, not just a demo. An experiment asks and answers a question. (Will a plant grow faster if it is given caffeine?)
b. Do some back ground research on your question. This could be looking it up in a book or a reliable site on the internet. Make sure your facts are accurate.
c. Create a hypothesis. (If I give the plant coffee then the plant will grow faster than a plant just given water)
d. Test! You might want to set up/test more than one “trial” so you have more results to look at.
e. Look at the results. (Did the plant given the coffee grow faster or did the plant given water?)
f. Decide if your hypothesis was right or wrong. Base this decision on the data you collected from your experiment.
g. Report the results. It is okay for your hypothesis to be wrong, or to think you would need to do more testing. That is what science involves.
h. What does this conclusion make you wonder about?

3) Your display should be neat and well organized. Use information you collected as well as pictures. Don’t forget to use your data to illustrate your findings!

4) Display your bibliography (the list of books and websites you looked at to get your information).

5) Make sure you can explain your experiment and how you came to your conclusion to the judges. You want to tell the story of how you did your experiment to the judges.

More information, tips and tricks regarding the Science Fair can be found at